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Who’s Lib is it Anyway?

Working with Android SDKs can be a bit like inviting someone to store their vintage land-mine collection in your back yard (and then paying them for that convenience).

I recently needed to answer, “Who’s the asshole bringing in these symbols?” and this is how I found out.

find . -name "*.jar" -type f -print \
  -exec sh -c "jar -tf {} | grep android\/arch\/lifecycle" \;
Search JAR files for ‘android.arch.lifecycle’ symbols.
find . -name "*.aar" -type f -print \
  -exec sh -c "unzip -p -j {} classes.jar | jar -t | grep android\/arch\/lifecycle" \;
Search AAR files for ‘android.arch.lifecycle’ symbols.

These commands are looking for ‘android.arch.lifecycle’ symbols, so replace that with whatever it is you are looking for.


This functionality is also available in the headdesk blame command, starting in version 0.11.0.

headdesk blame android.arch.lifecycle

headdesk blame android.arch.lifecycle

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